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There are many new shepherdslings available, and the majority are innovative. At Shepherdsling, we offer the latest and most advanced shepherdslings to meet your needs.


Kavar is a type of sling that carries the culture and desires of Ardekan city's people and reflects the interaction of these people's lives with the nature and geography of their region. The slingshot is an ancient, worldwide-known weapon, but due to the history and geography of this city, Ardekan's sling has evolved and become a part of their traditions. Every year, the men of Ardekan play Kavar using snowballs instead of stones, which keeps the cultures and solidarity of these people alive. Physical and Technical Features: The designs used in the slings are inspired by the nature of Ardekan or the weaver's imagination. The threads are made of sheep wool and goat hair, spun by the women of Ardekan and dyed with plants. Over time, plant dyes not only do not lose quality but also become more beautiful and polished.

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